Office Activities
The Legal Office is specialized in assistance and consultancy, both in-court and out-of-court, mainly oriented on the field of civil law, with a special focus on the contract sector, real estate transactions, professional liability, credit collection, executions, tenders, leases, joint ownerships and successions. Moreover, resorting to the validated collaboration of external professionals, the Office provides specialized legal assistance also in sectors like administrative law, business and commerce law, bankruptcy law, family law, labour law, criminal law, tax law, as well as in the field of copyrights and intellectual property.
The joint work approach, shown by all the office key professionals, allows an integrated activity of consultancy and assistance in all the above mentioned sectors, that being an indispensible factor in order to carry out an in-depth analysis of concrete problems involving different law sectors at the same time.
The straight interconnection with the technical division, the direct relationship with many notary’s offices in Rome, as well as the consolidated partnership with the Bianchi & Partners legal office, (specialized in city planning law and environmental domain), also allow managing all operations in an harmonized and highly qualified way, and to efficiently solve all problems related to real estate transactions (private transactions, sale and/or transformation of real estate portfolios, real estate divestments, in-office acquisition of judicial auctions, estimations of any kind of real estate properties, performance of cadastral and city planning practices and specialized counselling in this field).
Finally, besides from specific judicial assistance before ordinary and administrative courts on the whole national scope, the Office is specifically focused on out-of-court activities, by providing a preliminary counselling, aimed at setting the problem in the right framework, which often allows avoiding judicial disputes.